Conventional Treatment Vs Energy Healing for Stress Anxiety or Depression

The lifestyle of the people of this world has become very hectic and complex in today’s time. The different issues that occur in the real world, the change in human behavior, change in pattern or nature of response, etc. all are connected to the route problem of deteriorating mental health. The number of suicides is multiplying, from 600,000 in 2017 to 703,000 and so is the number of patients seeking help for improving their mental health. Also, to include here, nearly 11% of the world’s population suffer from some kind of mental disorder (as of reports from 2017), that makes around 792 million people. Dure to pandemic, the ratio of both has increased twice fold, if not more.

Energy Healing for Stress

Studies also reveal that 77% of the suicide due to depression or stress is committed by people belonging to the lower-income and middle-income groups. It is the fourth leading cause of death of kids from 14-19 age group.

It is not something that is in our control, and to place it honestly, the process of growing awareness and sensitization has enabled people to come off the shelf and open up about everything that affects the healthy being of a person. There are several ways to address these issues, including conventional ones and non-conventional ones. You must be wondering what exactly is being talked about here. Do not worry, read further on to gain important insights about how you can deal with stress, depression and anxiety- the three most common mental health issues.

How is Conventional Treatment Different from Energy Healing?

As the names suggest, conventional healing refers to the prescribed medical and already institutionally established ways of approaching the solution whereas the process of energy healing treatment is more rooted into the traditional and cultural aspects of different places. For example, we have Reiki from Japan, Yoga from India, Qigong from China, etc. energy healing is mostly based upon the theory of quantum mechanics, which itself gives rise to a form of healing known as quantum healing (one major example of this form being distance Reiki). Even apart from these, the main focus of energy healing is upon removing the blockages in the flow of energy in your body, mind and soul. This is the benefit of energy healing over conventional treatment of counseling and medicine.

To point out the main facets-

  1. Both conventional treatment and energy healing takes time, and personal will to work.
  2. The former is applicable only upon mental health, while the latter is focused upon mind, soul and body, all three.
  3. Conventional treatment includes medicines and therapy sessions, but energy healing comprises healing sessions only.
  4. Personal will and an open mind is important in both cases.

Depression and stress are the two main causes of suicide and chronic mental disorders. Depression is also the leading cause of disability, contributing to shunning almost 5-6% of adults. It is one of the most common causes of suicide. But unfortunately, the stigma still remains, so remains the problem of finance as these therapy sessions are heavy on the pockets. So, most of the people, especially of the lower and middle classes, have no other option than to flow with the discourse of life with depression, whether it leads to suicide or get better with time. To wrap up, it does not matter which process you chose for yourself or suggest to your loved ones who are suffering from such a tough period of dealing with stress, anxiety or depression, it does not matter. What counts the most is the acceptance of the situation, and the determination to get out of it, to get better and healthier. None of it is magic, it works on the co-operation of both the healer/therapist/counselor and the patient. So, take wise decisions, make carefully thought and chalked out plans and start with the journey to betterment. All the best!