Pet Healing
As devoted animal lovers, we’re proud to be associated with The Rainbow Miracle as it has earned recognition for being a well-known healing pets animal clinicin West Bengal. Reiki grandmaster, Sanjukta Banerjee of our accomplished pet healing center is dedicated to utilizing divine pet healing prayer, pet healing crystals, pet healing stones and pet healing meditation for successful pet alternative healing. If your adorable pet is suffering from any critical illness or unbearable pain, you can rely on our natural pet healing methods to ensure holistic pet healing of that true friend of yours. Go for recuperating pet energy healing right away for healing your pet by elevating their energy levels and ensuring overall well-being.

Why pet healing?
Safe and reliable
Whether it’s healing a pet prayer, pet therapy healing recovery and love or pet grooming hollow, we proceed with various powerful Reiki healing techniques to help your pet cope better with any severe illnessor injury and acceleratespeedy curing of worrisome diseases, aches or ailments. We recommend healing hands pet acupuncture as well as zen pet healing hollow to imbibe positive vibrations in your pet to ensure rapid healing of any sickness without causing any harm. Our energy healing strategies for pets are completely natural and trustworthy as they don’t produce any side-effects or adverse reaction in your playful dog, cat, parrot or any other treasured home animal or bird.
Offers you mental relief
We know how much upset you’ll get if your furry friend is unwell or suffering. Understanding the concerns of pet owners, we put to use our exceptional pet healing power to make you and your pet delighted again. Did your pet pass away recently? Then, to help you cope with this intense grief, we suggest healing after pet lossas well to soothe your mind and lessen your mental agony.
Amazing solution for all kinds of pet sufferings
Is your dog been depressed lately? Are your pets not responding as actively as they used to? Well, it may be due to increased negative energy within these cute little creatures. Whether it’s a physical ailment, injury, post-surgery recovery, trauma, bereavement or mental discomfort, we have the perfect online pet training healing remedies and pet healing crystals dog collar to transfer good energy within your pet to alleviate anxiety or stress in them and instead, produce a state of calm. This makes it perfect for curing any physical or mental distress in your loved animals for reviving their lively disposition.
Surprisingly affordable
Is your pet afraid to go to the vet? Want your ill pet to get well soon but going short on budget? Having difficulty in finding a good vet who charges less?If these things are bothering you, you’ll be pleased to know that we stand out as the number one healing hands pet vet center in Kolkata to provide cost-effective pet energy healing practices to cure ailments in your pets to make them strong, rejuvenated and fully healed.

Pet Healing Facts
- Reiki pet healing is found to address problems with skin, coat or feathers of pets.
- Animals have been recorded to respond remarkably well to energy healing methods.
- This complimentary therapy can prepare your pet to pass away peacefully in case of chronic ailment.
- Pet healing has shown to strengthen bond between master and pet.
- Reiki practitioners have revealed that energy healing acts as a sure shot way of providing relief from stress and deep relaxation in pets.
- Reiki is the number one alternative medical therapy to heal animals holistically.

Nidhi Jain
Boston, USA
My pet pigeon was suffering immensely due to the injury in her wings last week. I went to the vet, she was recovering, but I wanted something more. I consulted with Sanjukta Banerjee of The Rainbow Miracle. The distance healing program was really great! And, I must say that the decision was a right one as this charismatic spiritual healer has been a true saviour in healing my pigeon’s pain completely. Can’t thank enough!

Animesh Shah
Cardiff, UK
My buddy, Matt, was kind of depressed after his sister passed away. Knowing that dogs can have depression, I immediately looked up Reiki clinics for pets on the internet to discover The Rainbow Miracle. Blessed to say that the pet healing remedies suggested by Sanjukta ma’am have uplifted Matt’s mood and made him alive and spirited again! The distance healing program worked wonders for me.

Vinita Desmukh
Melbourne, Australia
It broke my heart when my cat, Sally, passed away last summer. Nothing seemed to help me get past this tragic event when someone from my family suggested that I see a Reiki healer. Having heard the name of Sanjukta Banerjee before, I decided to contact her. So grateful to The Rainbow Miracle and this compassionate lady for helping me to cope in my hardest times. The distance learning program really worked well!

Sourav Sen
Kolkata, India
My dog, Bruno, was taking time to recover from his leg injury and I couldn’t bear to see him in pain. So, I consulted with a renowned Reiki practitioner, Sanjukta Banerjee of The Rainbow Miracle who was able to provide wonderful distance pet healing therapy for my dog. So thankful to her that Bruno’s leg is almost healed now and he’s comfortable in running about again!

- We place hands near or by distance healing with your animal to transmit life positive energy to the affected area of your pet. It is very helpful for exotic birds and small animal pets of any age, shape, or species. When your adorable pet is suffering from any critical illness or pain, Reiki treatment is the natural pet healing methods to ensure holistic healing of your pets.
- Pets Healing.
- If you practice Reiki on the pets you can heal them spiritually. The goal of energy healing is to rebalance the dog’s life force. Positive energy healing sees the dog’s health from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual point of view.
- No, distance energy healing is not possible.
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Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more information.