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REIKI and Sleep: Helping Children with Sleep Issues

Proper sleep is critically important for a child’s overall well-being, affecting their physical, emotional, and mental health. Any disturbances to their sleep can have a profound impact on their development. Nowadays, children are glued to technology for a long period, which disrupts their sleep cycle, and hence, they encounter a lot of mental health issues. Is there any solution to get the children out of this dangerous issue? Well, there is. REIKI for Mental Health, one of the trendiest healing methods, helps your children stay calm and relaxed. Ultimately, they can overcome their sleeping issue.

It is painful for parents to watch their little ones endure so much, both mentally and physically. Before things turn wrong, they should act responsibly to help their child control the situation. With the help of REIKI, they can do that. How? Well, stay until the end of the article, and you will learn more.

REIKI Techniques Helps in Manages the Sleep Cycle of The Children

Bedtime meditation:

Encourage your youngster to sit quietly and concentrate on their breathing before going to bed. You can lead them in a little meditation or have them spend a few minutes focusing on their breathing.

Chakra balancing technique:

Gently place your hands over the solar plexus chakra, which is situated directly above your stomach and your heart. The following method can help alleviate fears, anxieties, emotional stress, and worry that may impact your ability to fall asleep. It can also support a more tranquil state of mind that is favorable to obtaining a good night’s sleep by lowering stress and worry.

Positive affirmation:

We all know as parents how important sleep is to our kids’ development and general health. Sleep benefits immune system function, emotional control, cognitive function, and physical development. However, some youngsters cannot obtain the recommended amount of sleep due to sleep disturbances or disorders.

Here’s where REIKI comes in handy. REIKI is a method that encourages balance and relaxation by transferring energy from the practitioner to the patient. Children can find it easier to go to sleep and stay asleep through the night when REIKI is used to assist in quieting the mind and removing physical stress.

Positive energy shielding:

REIKI is a technique for helping the youngster feel secure and protected. Imagine surrounding the youngster with a shield of protection, focusing on the precise locations where nightmares or sleep terrors frequently occur. You can accomplish this by using visualization techniques or lightly touching the child’s body. This method lessens the occurrence of nightmares or night terrors and helps establish a sense of safety.

Full body REIKI:

A full REIKI treatment treats the body as a whole and can help with various imbalances that could interfere with sleep. REIKI can improve sleep quality by treating physical and mental causes and focusing on encouraging relaxation and harmonizing energy throughout the body, leading to higher overall calm. Sanjukta Banerjee, an experienced REIKI practitioner, can help your child get out of any issues and lead a beautiful life.

These are some of the REIKI techniques that help children sleep better. REIKI can also be beneficial in other ways. For example, if you are worried about your child’s future career, then you should definitely take them to the best Career Growth Healing session, as it is beneficial for their future.


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