Reiki for Mental Health

Energy Healing Unveiled: Debunking Common Myths and Misconceptions

We live in a modern world that primarily depends on modern medicine and big pharma companies. In such an environment it is natural that the holistic wellness approach and natural remedies will be overshadowed by various misconceptions and absurd beliefs.

However, recently a new trend has emerged that helps people to turn towards holistic wellness and understand its actual benefits. Today, we will burst into top myths associated with energy healing.

Myth 1: Energy healing is modern practice

A lot of people believe that energy healing is a recent or modern concept that does not have a strong root. But the truth is that energy healing has been in practice for decades. Before the introduction of Western medicine, doctors, and the modern hospital system, people used to go to the local shamans who used a wide range of techniques to balance their patients’ chakras and channel energies to enhance overall well-being.

Myth 2: There is no science behind energy healing

There is another misconception about energy healing is that there is no connection between energy healing and science. However, in past years NCHS, NCCAM, and NIH’s NCCIH (National Center of Complimentary Health) have conducted multiple research to see effectiveness of the energy healing. They have also found that energy healing can effectively boost immunity, reduce pain, and increase recovery speed in patients.

Myth 3: Energy healing is religious

Another top myth associated with energy healing is it’s a religious concept. In simple words, energy healing is a process that helps to channel your energy, increase positive energy, and remove negative energy or energy blockage that prevents your self-healing. So, in no way does energy healing require you to subscribe to a religion or believe in a god.

Myth 4: You need an energy practitioner for energy healing

To practice energy healing, you need an energy practitioner is one of the biggest misconceptions about energy healing. No wonder practicing energy healing with a certified practitioner has several benefits. But there are many other ways that you can practice energy healing on your own with the assistance of a practitioner and benefit from this holistic wellness approach.


Energy healing is a holistic wellness approach that has a scientific base of effectiveness. It also has no connection with a certain religion, culture, or lifestyle (such as hippie). However, for a long time, the advantage of energy healing was overshadowed by several myths and misconceptions. Above, we have debunked some top myths associated with energy healing.